Alive in Christ


Arnside Christians Together are hosting a six week course for the Mission Community across September and October entitled ‘Alive in Christ’. This will be an opportunity for us to reflect together on what it means to be disciples of Jesus Christ. The dates of the five Tuesday evening sessions will be: 12th September; 19th September; 3rd October; 10th October; 17th October. meeting 7.00pm – 8.30pm in the Church Room at St. James, Arnside. All are very much welcome.

A message from Hannah

A message from
the Rev’d. Hannah Wallace

“Joyous!”, “Lovely!”, “Overwhelming!” 
These are words that people have repeatedly used this week to describe the events of last Sunday (the last word mainly used by me!). Besides the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit’s presence with us that morning and God’s unending great faithfulness, the reason it was such a wonderful event was because YOU made it so! I’d like to take this opportunity to say a HUGE THANK YOU to you all – for supporting me and my family in prayer & in presence, for all those who prepared for and took part in both the service and the fabulous lunch, for all those working behind the scenes and in front from start to finish, and for the incredibly generous cards and gifts. It was the most memorable day, and my heart is filled not just with thankfulness for this calling to priesthood and all that means, but for the love and support of this wonderful Mission Community and all that lies ahead for us. 
Heart of our own hearts, whatever befall, 
be Thou our vision, O Ruler of all.

With love, Hannah, Greg, Sam & Bethan

Looking Back in order to Look Forward

Looking back in order to look forward

To view the leaflet below please use the controls at the top right of the viewer. You will then be able to view it in presentation mode, print it, and download it.

Here’s a reminder of the three questions that might help us to start thinking about whether looking back does help us to look forward.

What must it have been like to be a person of faith in various phases between the 6th and 13th centuries? How did that experience change over the years?

What is it like to be a person of faith in today’s society and today’s Church? Are there similarities between now and then?

Over these centuries the nature of Church changed with it becoming increasingly central to society. As it did so the experience of its members changed. Is there anything that we can learn from this time that might help us today?

Hannah’s Ordination as Priest

Hannah’s Ordination as Priest.

Calling all Singers

The Rev’d Hannah Wallace will be being ordained as priest at a special Kent
Estuary Mission Community joint service on Sunday 2nd July at 10.30am at
St James’ Church, Arnside. (There will be no other services held at this
time elsewhere in the KEMC to enable everyone to come together.)
Geoff Field has kindly agreed to direct a joint choir to sing on this occasion
– to boost the congregational hymn singing and to sing a couple of choir
only items. There will be some rehearsals nearer the time.
Should you like to be in this choir, please express your interest by emailing
Geoff – (or let Hannah know by phone if you’re
not on email, 01524 449035).